Structural and optical properties of composition-graded InGaN nanowires
At the moment, InGaN ternary compounds are of a great interest for the development of devices for sunlight driven water splitting. However, the synthesis of such materials is hindered by the fact that InxGa1–xN layers are susceptible to phase decomposition at x from 20 to 80%. Nanowires can be a promising solution to this problem. The purpose of our study was to analyze the structural and optical properties of InxGa1–xN nanowires with a gradient x content being inside the miscibility gap.
InxGa1–xN nanowires were grown on silicon substrates using plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The structural properties of nanowires were studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The chemical composition and optical properties of nanowires were analyzed using energy-dispersive microanalysis and photoluminescence spectroscopy.
It was shown for the first time that the composition-graded InxGa1–xN nanowires with x from 40 to 60% can be grown using plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The grown samples exhibit photoluminescence at room temperature with a maximum at about 890 nm, which corresponds to an In content of about 62% according to the modified Vegard’s rule and the transmission electron microscopy data. The obtained results can be of practical interest for the development of devices for water splitting induced by sunlight or sources of near IR radiation
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