Calorimetric determination of phase transitions of Ag8ВX6 (B = Ge, Sn; X = S, Se) compounds
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to study ternary Ag8GeS6, Ag8GeSe6, Ag8SnS6, and Ag8SnSe6 compounds which undergo polymorphic transformations at relatively low temperatures. Two samples of each compound with different masses in the range of 20-40 mg were examined and three DSC heating curves were taken for each sample. The DSC curve data were used to determine the temperatures and enthalpies of the phase transitions of the studied compounds from a low-temperature rhombic modification to a high-temperature cubic modification. The difference in the DSC data between all samples and all heating curves did not exceed 2%. The obtained data were used to calculate the entropies of phase
transitions. It was shown that these values are abnormally high. The study also involved a comparative analysis of the obtained thermodynamic data for the Ag8GeSe6 and Ag8SnSe6 compounds and the results obtained by the method of electromotive forces.
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