HPLC determination of some viburnum fruits anthocyanins

  • Victor I. Deineka Dr.Sci. (Chemistry), professor, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, E-mail: deineka@bsu.edu.ru
  • Andrey N. Chulkov Belgorod Branch of Federal State-Funded Institution «Federal Centre of Quality and Safety Assurance for Grain and Grain products», Belgorod, E-mail: Ach87@mail.ru.
  • Ludmila A. Deineka Ph.D. (Chemistry) Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, E-mail: deineka@bsu.edu.ru
  • Polina A. Gandarmova student of magistrate, Common Chemistry Chair, Belgorod National Research University
  • Vladimir N. Sorokopudov Dr.Sci. (Agriculture), professor Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy Chair, Belgorod National Research University, E-mail: sorokopudov@bsu.edu.ru
  • Sergei М. Rybitskyi Postgraduate of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy Chair, Belgorod National Research University
Keywords: reversed phase HPLC, retention maps, relative retention, cyaniding glycosides, enzymes, fuits, Viburnum оpulus, V. dentatum, V. lantana.


The effectiveness of utilization of anthocyanins relative retention parameters in RP HPLC for
cyanidin acylation type estimation has been shown in the present investigation. The method has been applied
for some Viburnum sp. fruits analysis. It is proposed to verify chromatographically determined types of
anthocyanin with that may be synthesized by relative activity of enzyme involved in the biosynthesis to
escape mistakes of anthocyanin types determination. The great difference in series of anthocyanin species of
the Viburnum opulus, V. dentatum, and V. lantana fruits is a consequence of different routes of anthocyanins
biosynthesis, though all having one common anthocyanidin - cyanidin


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How to Cite
Deineka, V. I., Chulkov, A. N., Deineka, L. A., Gandarmova, P. A., Sorokopudov, V. N., & RybitskyiS. М. (2019). HPLC determination of some viburnum fruits anthocyanins. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 14(3). Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/sorpchrom/article/view/1490