Digital economy as one of the models of development of the postindustrial society

  • И. Н. Щепина Voronezh State University
  • А. А. Бородина Voronezh State University
Keywords: digital economy, knowledge economy, information economy, digital technologies


This article is devoted to the problem of the «digital economy» concept’s development. The essential part of the article is also talking about technologies itself. Technologies are supposed to be the lead product of digital economy, based on representation of information in bits and which are spread via Internet, having their own ecosystem.


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Author Biographies

И. Н. Щепина, Voronezh State University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Informational Technology and Mathematical Methods in Economy Department

А. А. Бородина, Voronezh State University

Post-graduate Student of Informational Technology and Mathematical Methods in Economy Department


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How to Cite
Щепина, И. Н., & Бородина, А. А. (2019). Digital economy as one of the models of development of the postindustrial society. Proceedings of Voronezh State University. Series: Economics and Management, (2), 97-105.
Mathematical and Tool Methods of Economy