Coupling of anode reactions in the process of electrooxidation of glycine anion on gold
Electrochemical processes involving organic substances are complex multi-stage reactions. In our opinion, it is incorrect to describe their kinetics using the principle of independent partial processes (or their individual stages) since electrode reactions can be coupled due to competition for active surface sites, due to common intermediate stages, or through an electron. In this case, the theory of coupled reactions or the graph-kinetic method should be used to provide the kinetic description of the process. In general, graph theory makes it possible to identify the relationship between the “structure” and the kinetic behavior of complex systems by means of graphical analysis. In the case of electrochemical reactions, structural elements are substances adsorbed on the metal surface and (or) a set of substances interacting in the reactions. The relationship between their concentrations can be characterized quantitatively by a transformation law, for example,
the law of effective masses. Thus, a graph is a set of reacting substances and a sequence of reactions represented graphically. Graphs allow setting a system of kinetic equations and analyzing them by associating a certain behavior of the system with the structure of the corresponding graph. Under the assumption that one intermediate particle is involved in each elementary stage, the kinetic expressions will be linear, which corresponds to the first-order reaction model.
Graph-kinetic analysis of the processes within the Au|Gly–,OH–,H2O system confirmed that the partial multi-stage reactions of anode oxidation of glycine and hydroxyl anions are kinetically coupled. We obtained expressions for partial currents of electrooxidation of hydroxide ions and glycine anions during the anodic process occurring on gold in an alkaline glycinecontaining solution. It was shown that with an increase in the anode potential, the nature of the limiting stage of the anodicprocess changes.
Formal constants of rates and equilibria of electrochemical reactions involving particles of background electrolyte and glycinate ion were calculated. It was found that the rates of partial oxidation reactions of adsorbed OH particles and O H are significantly higher than those of organic anions (Gly- and HCOO–). This indicates that the kinetics of the electrooxidation processes of Glyis in the Au|Gly-,OH–,H2O system are determined by the kinetic features of the electrooxidation reactions of hydroxide ions
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