Heat wave dynamics in frozen water droplets with eosin molecules under the femtosecond excitation of a supercontinuum

  • Natalia A. Myslitskaya Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, 14 А. Nevskogo ul., Kaliningrad 237041, Russian Federation; Kaliningrad State Technical University, 1 Sovetsky prospekt, Kaliningrad 237022, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6701-5328
  • Anna V. Tcibulnikova Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, 14 А. Nevskogo ul., Kaliningrad 237041, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8578-0701
  • Ilia G. Samusev Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, 14 А. Nevskogo ul., Kaliningrad 237041, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5026-7510
  • Vasiliy A. Slezhkin Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, 14 А. Nevskogo ul., Kaliningrad 237041, Russian Federation; Kaliningrad State Technical University, 1 Sovetsky prospekt, Kaliningrad 237022, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2801-7029
  • Valeriy V. Bryukhanov Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, 14 А. Nevskogo ul., Kaliningrad 237041, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4689-7207
Keywords: Supercontinuum, Femtosecond excitation, Water, piece of ice, Eosin fluorescence, Ablative silver nanoparticles, Surface plasmons, Two-photon excitation, Thermal optical non-linearity, Temperature gradient, Heat wave, Wave propagation velocity


In this study, we considered thermal processes in liquid and frozen water droplets with added dye molecules and metal nanoparticles at the moment of supercontinuum generation. We studied optical non-linear processes in a water droplet with a diameter of 1.92 mm, cooled (+2 °C) and frozen to -17 °C, with eosin molecules and ablative silver nanoparticles upon femtosecond laser treatment.
When we exposed a cooled water droplet and a piece of ice containing eosin molecules and ablative silver nanoparticles to a femtosecond laser beam (l = 1030 nm), we recorded two-photon fluorescence, enhanced by plasmon processes. Also, supercontinuum generation took place, with a period of decay t = 0.02 s. The geometry of non-linear large -scale self-focusing (LLSS ~ 0.45–0.55 mm) was studied. The value of microscale self-focusing (LSSS ~ 0.1 mm) of SC radiation in the laser channel was determined experimentally. The study shows that the energy dissipation in the SC channel increases when the thermal non-linearity exceeds the electronic non-linearity. We modelled the thermal processes and determined the temperature
gradient of the heating of the frozen droplet exposed to a femtosecond pulse. Based on the experimental data, the heat wave propagation velocity was calculated to be n = 0.11 m/s.


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Author Biographies

Natalia A. Myslitskaya, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, 14 А. Nevskogo ul., Kaliningrad 237041, Russian Federation; Kaliningrad State Technical University, 1 Sovetsky prospekt, Kaliningrad 237022, Russian Federation

PhD in Physics and
Mathematics, senior research fellow at the Research
& Education Centre “Fundamental and Applied
Photonics. Nanophotonics”, Institute of Physical and
Mathematical Sciences and Information Technologies,
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad,
Russian Federation; Associate Professor at the
Department of Physics, Kaliningrad State Technical
University, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation; e-mail:

Anna V. Tcibulnikova, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, 14 А. Nevskogo ul., Kaliningrad 237041, Russian Federation

PhD in Physics and
Mathematics, senior research fellow at the Research
& Education Centre “Fundamental and Applied
Photonics. Nanophotonics”, Institute of Physical and
Mathematical Sciences and Information Technologies,
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad,
Russian Federation; e-mail: anna.tsibulnikova@mail.ru

Ilia G. Samusev, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, 14 А. Nevskogo ul., Kaliningrad 237041, Russian Federation

PhD in Physics and Mathematics,
head of the Research & Education Centre “Fundamental
and Applied Photonics. Nanophotonics”, Institute of
Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Information
Technologies, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University,
Kaliningrad, Russian Federation; e-mail: is.cranz@gmail.com

Vasiliy A. Slezhkin, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, 14 А. Nevskogo ul., Kaliningrad 237041, Russian Federation; Kaliningrad State Technical University, 1 Sovetsky prospekt, Kaliningrad 237022, Russian Federation

PhD in Chemistry, senior
research fellow at the Research & Education Centre
“Fundamental and Applied Photonics. Nanophotonics”,
Institute of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and
Information Technologies, Immanuel Kant Baltic
Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation;
Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry,
Kaliningrad State Technical University, Kaliningrad,
Russian Federation; e-mail: vslezhkin@mail.ru

Valeriy V. Bryukhanov, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, 14 А. Nevskogo ul., Kaliningrad 237041, Russian Federation

DSc in Physics and
Mathematics, leading research fellow at the Research
& Education Centre “Fundamental and Applied
Photonics. Nanophotonics”, Institute of Physical and
Mathematical Sciences and Information Technologies,
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad,
Russian Federation; e-mail: bryukhanov_v.v@mail.ru


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How to Cite
Myslitskaya, N. A., Tcibulnikova, A. V., Samusev, I. G., Slezhkin, V. A., & Bryukhanov, V. V. (2021). Heat wave dynamics in frozen water droplets with eosin molecules under the femtosecond excitation of a supercontinuum. Kondensirovannye Sredy I Mezhfaznye Granitsy = Condensed Matter and Interphases, 23(2), 260-272. https://doi.org/10.17308/kcmf.2021.23/3437
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