• Victor A. Yavna
  • Anton S. Kasprzhitskiy
  • Georgy I. Lazorenko
Keywords: infrared spectroscopy; density functional theory; clay soils; liquid limit; plastic limit; plasticity index.


This work is devoted to studying the plasticity of clay. The samples of mono- and polymineral
soils of different moistness are studied using the infra-red spectroscopy method; their
plastic limits are determined according to standard Russian and international methods. Measured
spectra are assigned via density functional theory (DFT) calculation of the vibrational spectra of
minerals’ clay component. A correlation between the clay soil consistency at which it shows its
plastic properties and the positions of the most intensive absorption bands in IR spectra is discovered.
A possibility to identify the parameters of clay soil plasticity from infra-red spectroscopy data is
demonstrated, with higher speed and accuracy in comparison to available standard methods. The
results can be used to determine the physical properties of clay soils and their classification, well as
for the determination of rational technological schemes for the production of ceramic products.


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Author Biographies

Victor A. Yavna

Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor,
Head of the of Physics Department, Rostov State Transport
University; ph.: +7 (903) 4741403, е-mail:

Anton S. Kasprzhitskiy

Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.),
Associate Professor of the Physics Department, Rostov State
Transport University; ph.: +7 (928) 7579539, е-mail:

Georgy I. Lazorenko

postgraduate student of the
Physics Department, Rostov State Transport University; ph.:
+7 (903) 4346867, е-mail:


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How to Cite
Yavna, V. A., Kasprzhitskiy, A. S., & Lazorenko, G. I. (2014). APPLICATION OF IR SPECTROSCOPY TO DETERMINE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYCRYSTALLINE MATERIALS BASED ON LAYERED ALUMINOSILICATE. Kondensirovannye Sredy I Mezhfaznye Granitsy = Condensed Matter and Interphases, 16(4), 479-485. Retrieved from