Обзор диссертационных исследований по национально-культурной специфике языкового сознания китайцев и русских

  • Минчжу Юй Институт языкознания РАН
Ключевые слова: языковое сознание, языковая картина мира, национально-культурная специфика, русский язык, китайский язык


В данной статье представлены некоторые работы китайских ученых, посвященные языковому сознанию, и анализируется степень изученности национально-культурной специфики китайского и русского языкового сознания в диссертационных исследованиях. С постоянным развитием китайско-российских отношений все больше и больше ученых-филологов начинают изучать различия в языковом сознании, вызванные непохожестью языков и культур Китая и России, и приходят к выводу о необходимости анализа, систематизации и выявления языковых лакун и процессов переработки информации с разных точек зрения. Материалом для анализа послужили 38 выполненных на русском языке диссертаций по языковому сознанию и языковой картине мира на соискание степени кандидата или доктора филологических и педагогических наук, защищенных в период с 1999 по 2020 г. Автором выделены шесть тематических групп по направлениям исследования: межкультурная обработка текстовой информации, лингвокогнитивный анализ, анализ языковой фиксированной коллокации, анализ гендерных различий, межкультурная коммуникация и языковая личность, специфическое семантическое поле и языковые лакуны. Проанализированы особенности указанных работ с точки зрения актуальности тем, а также выбора объекта, методов и методик. Также рассматриваются взгляды и исследовательские тенденции современных молодых ученых по данному направлению за последние два десятилетия. В результате анализа полученных данных, автор приходит к выводу, что огромные различия между русской и китайской культурами и языками влияют на развитие сопоставительных исследований национально-культурной специфики китайского и русского языкового сознания и открывают возможность для дальнейшего изучения.


Биография автора

Минчжу Юй, Институт языкознания РАН

аспирант кафедры этнопсихолингвистики


1. Ushakova T. N. The concept of linguistic consciousness and the structure of speech – thought – language system. In: Language consciousness: theoretical and applied aspects: Collection of articles. Ed. N. V. Ufimtseva. M. ; Barnaul : Alt. Univ., 2004. Pp. 6–17.
2. Tarasov E. F. Actual problems of the analysis of linguistic consciousness. In: Linguistic consciousness and the image of the world. M., 2000. Pp. 24–32.
3. Ufimtseva N. V. Associative Dictionary as a model of linguistic consciousness. In: Linguistic consciousness: theoretical and applied aspects: collection of articles / Ed. N. V. Ufimtseva. Moscow; Barnaul: Izd-vo Alt. un-ta, 2004. Pp. 189–202.
4. Tarasov E. F. Intercultural communication – a new ontology for the analysis of linguistic consciousness. In: Ethnocultural specifics of linguistic consciousness. M.: Izd-vo I Ya RAN, 1996. Pp. 7–22.
5. Zhao Qiuye. On the National Cultural Characteristics of Linguistic Consciousness. In: Journal of Foreign Languages. 2003. No. 3.
6. Zhao Qiuye. A Review of the Research on the Core Words of Russian Language Consciousness. In: Journal of the PLA Foreign Languages Institute. 2008. No. 1. Pp. 27–37.
7. Du Guizhi. On Linguistic Awareness. In: Journal of Foreign Languages. 2006. No. 4.
8. Dai Haoyi. Conceptual Structure and Involuntary Grammar: A Preliminary Study of Chinese Grammatical Concepts. In: Contemporary Linguistics. 2002.
9. Peng Wenzhao. The Study of Cultural Interpretation of the Russian World Picture: Theory and Method. D. Heilongjiang University, 2002.
10. Zhao Aiguo. Language World Picture Theory and Its Research. In: Teaching Russian in China. 2004.
11. Peng Wenzhao. The Knowledge System of Linguistic World Picture: Structure and Generation. In: Teaching Russian in China. 2008.
12. Zhang Xinwei. Multi-dimensional research on the Russian language world picture. Doctoral dissertation of Nanjing Normal University. 2012.
13. Peng Wenzhao. The System Composition and Interrelationship of Russian Cultural Space. In: Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. I. 2013.
14. Zhang Xinwei, Xie Ming. Pierce Semiotics and the Theory of Linguistic World Picture Theory. In: Russian Literature and Art. 2012. No. 1.
15. Wang Lanxia. Language World Landscape in Russian Proverbs. In: Teaching Russian in China. 2002. No. 4.
16. Liao Yuhui. The Cognitive Semantic Landscape of Modern Russian Spatial Concepts: A Study of "Front" and "Back" Spatial Dimensions. Master's Thesis of Capital Normal University, 2007.
17. Yan Xiaoli. Language World Landscape in Russian-Chinese Idioms Containing Human Organ Vocabulary. Master's Thesis of Shandong University, 2007.
18. Feng Weiqing. Research on the World Landscape of Russian Proverbs Language. Master's Thesis of Nanjing Normal University, 2008.
19. Liu Tingting. Language and Culture Analysis of the Concept of "Family" in the Russian-Chinese Language World Landscape. Master's Thesis of Dalian University of Technology, 2010.
20. Yao Xue. «Research on the Concept of "Conscience" in the Russian Language World Picture. Master's Thesis of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2012.
21. Zhao Que. An integrated approach to mastering the skills of receptive processing of information in Russian-language texts by Chinese students of philology: dissertation ... Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Moscow, 1999. 437 p.
22. Glazacheva N. L. The lacunization model as a component of the theory of translation: On the example of the Russian and Chinese languages: dissertation ... Cand. Phil. Sci. Blagoveshchensk, 2006. 208 p.
23. Wang Zhe. Peculiarities of Perception of the Russian Literary Text by the Speakers of the Russian and Chinese Languages: Based on the Story by A. P. Chekhov "Joke": dissertation ... candidate of philological sciences. Moscow, 2012. 199 p.
24. Tsibernaya O. F. Comparative study of the intracultural transfer of knowledge in Russian and Chinese language pictures of the world: on the example of the concept "man" / "人 (rén)": dissertation ... candidate of philological sciences. Chelyabinsk, 2019. 232 p. : ill.
25. Trofimova U. M. Experience of the cognitive experimental-theoretical analysis of the thematic group "Parts of the human body": Based on the Russian and Chinese languages: dissertation ... Cand. Phil. Sci. Moscow, 1999. 242 p.
26. Jing Tao. Conceptual system of space: On the material of the modern Chinese language: dissertation... Cand. Phil. Sci. Vladivostok, 2005. 198 p.
27. Liang Xiaonan. Russian temporal code in the light of the linguoculturological approach: against the background of the Chinese language: dissertation... Candidate of Philology. Moscow, 2008. 175 p.
28. Liu Chunmei. Perception of the concept "time" in Russian from the point of view of a native speaker of the Chinese language: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences. Moscow, 2009. 150 p.
29. Feng Yu. Functioning of axiological concepts in the linguo-mental space of the border regions of Russia and China: dissertation... Cand. Phil. Sci. Blagoveshchensk, 2016. 182 p. : ill.
30. Zhang Yan. Experience of linguo-cognitive research of ethno-cultural ideas about the house: on the material of Russian and Chinese languages: dissertation... candidate of philological sciences. Ulan-Ude, 2017. 266 p.
31. Bazhenov G. A. Questions of phraseology in a comparative aspect: On the material of the Chinese and Russian languages: dissertation... Cand. Phil. Sci. Moscow, 1999. 160 p.
32. Cao Jiaqi. Proverbs with a component-name of an insect in the Russian language picture of the world (against the background of the Chinese one): linguoculturographic aspect: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences. Veliky Novgorod, 2020. 208 p. : ill.
33. Van Erdon. The specificity of the linguistic consciousness of Russians and Chinese: Gender analysis: dissertation... Cand. Phil. Sci. Moscow, 2000. 236 p.
34. Liu Bo. The concept of "woman" in the Russian linguistic picture of the world: against the background of the Chinese: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences. Vladivostok, 2010. 282 p.
35. Hu Xiaoxue. The speech embodiment of the concept "successful woman" in the texts of Russian glossy magazines: against the background of the Chinese language: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences. Perm, 2013. 225 p. : ill.
36. Wang Ming. Gender stereotype in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers of Chinese: when compared with the data of native speakers of the Russian language: dissertation... candidate of philological sciences. Perm, 2018. 228 p.
37. Trubchaninova M. E. Linguistic personality in a foreign cultural environment: according to the data of Russian-speaking technically mediated communication of native Chinese speakers: dissertation... Candidate of Philology. Voronezh, 2008. 186 p.
38. Guruleva T. L. Formation of the personality of the new Eurasian type in the system of higher linguistic oriental education: on the material of sinology education: dissertation... Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Ulan-Ude, 2011. 482 p. : ill.
39. Wang Bindong. Comparative study of the content of the concept "economy" in the Chinese and Russian language consciousness: According to the results of the associative experiment: dissertation... Cand. Phil. Sci. Barnaul, 2004. 158 p.
40. Shi Xia. The concept of CHINA in the Russian ordinary linguistic consciousness: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences. Moscow, 2008. 209 p.
41. Morozova T. A. The conceptosphere of color in the Chinese language picture of the world: dissertation... Candidate of Philology. Biysk, 2008. 217 p. : ill.
42. Guz Yu. V. Experimental study of the basic concepts of color: on the material of Russian, English, German and Chinese languages: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences. Biysk, 2010. 487 p.
43. Sapegina I. A. The concept of the heart as the dominant emotional picture of the world in the Russian language in the mirror of the Chinese language: dissertation... Cand. Phil. Sci. Moscow, 2011. 202 p.
44. Khafizova O. I. The concepts of "love" and "work" in the language picture of the world: on the material of the Chinese and Russian languages: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences. Biysk, 2012. 309 p. : ill.
45. Han Jinghui. Mythological characters in the modern Russian linguistic picture of the world: against the background of the Chinese language: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences. St. Petersburg, 2012. 137 p.
46. Roshchina A. A. Emblematic characteristics of the linguocultural type "Chinese healer": dissertation... Candidate of Philology. Volgograd, 2012. 214 p.
47. Geng Ze. Binary opposition heaven-earth in Russian and Chinese: on the material of small genres of folklore: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences. Kazan, 2014. 182 p.
48. Selezneva N. V. Linguistic and cultural specificity of the thematic group "names of dwellings" in Chinese in comparison with Russian: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences. Novosibirsk, 2016. 251 p.
49. Han Zhiping. National specificity of associative lacunarity in intercultural interaction: on the material of Russian and Chinese languages: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences. Blagoveshchensk, 2016. 178 p. : ill.
50. Li Huizi. Dynamics of the lexical representation of the concept "money" in Russian and Chinese languages: dissertation... Cand. Phil. Sci. Irkutsk, 2016. 198 p. : ill.
51. Huang Tiande. National and cultural specificity of the opposition "friend or foe" in the linguistic consciousness of Russians and Chinese: on the material of Chinese and Russian languages: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences. Moscow, 2017. 199 p. : ill.
52. Zhu Ruishuang. The content of moral values in the language picture of the world: on the material of the Chinese and Russian languages: dissertation... Candidate of Philology. Moscow, 2017. 227 p. : ill.
53. Abdullaeva Fatma Eyvaz kyzy. Experimental-theoretical study of the secondarily nominated meanings of Russian, Azerbaijani and Chinese bionyms: dissertation... Candidate of Philology. Biysk, 2017. 290 p. : ill.
54. Wang Chunmu. The image of water in Russian and Chinese linguistic cultures: dissertation... Candidate of Philology. Ufa, 2017. 183 p.
55. Zhang Mian. Representation of the concept of "hospitality" in Russian and Chinese linguocultures: dissertation... Candidate of Philology. Ufa, 2017. 178 p. : ill.
56. Guo Pingting. Representation of family traditions in the Russian and Chinese language pictures of the world: dissertation... Candidate of Philology. Ufa, 2018. 275 p.
57. Wei Xiao. Associative-verbal field "Medicine" against the background of the Chinese language: linguo-cognitive aspect: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences. Veliky Novgorod, 2019. 60 p. : ill.
58. Jin Zhi. The image of a child in the linguistic consciousness: on the example of different linguistic cultures: dissertation... candidate of philological sciences. Chelyabinsk, 2019. 254 p. : ill.
Как цитировать
Юй, М. (2022). Обзор диссертационных исследований по национально-культурной специфике языкового сознания китайцев и русских. Вестник ВГУ. Серия: Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация, (3), 139-148. https://doi.org/10.17308/lic/1680-5755/2022/3/139-148
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