Formation of ideologems when using stable expressions the mass media of the period of SVO

  • G. V. Romanova Voronezh State Technical University
Keywords: stable expressions, ideologems, connotative meaning, precedent texts, catch phrases, social identity


the article is devoted to the issue of linguistic registration of ideologems that arose during the period of Russia's special military operation (SVO) The subject of the study was stable expressions (UV), which served as the basis for ideologems. The study was carried out in order to establish the principles of selection, occurrence and use of stable expressions of the period of SVO, performing the function of ideologems. In the course of the work, an array of ideologems from the mass media and political discourse was identifi ed, their composition was established and a linguistic description was carried out, an etymological and stylistic analysis of stable expressions-ideologems was performed. The following conclusions were drawn in the study: fi rstly, stable expressions in the function of ideologems serve to implement connotative meaning (express attitudes, emotions, assessments, associations of speakers or writers). Secondly, if traditional UV (precedent texts, images, names) are used as ideologems, then their composition differs in specifi c content according to the time and situation of communication. This is a focus on patriotism, common values (history, language, culture), differentiation into one's own and others', friends and enemies. Thirdly, the active use of newly formed ideologemes-expressions gaining stability is noted that refl ect new realities. Their source, as a rule, is professional military, political or journalistic jargon, stable terminological expressions, catch phrases or statements of famous people. Currently, the linguistic process of the emergence of new ideologemes-expressions (UV) is rapidly developing, as evidenced by the fl eeting change in the subject of such stable expressions. In general, the study of stable ideologem expressions is an important component of such an evolving fi eld of linguistics as political linguistics.


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Author Biography

G. V. Romanova, Voronezh State Technical University
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Romanova, G. V. (2024). Formation of ideologems when using stable expressions the mass media of the period of SVO . Proceedings of Voronezh State University. Series: Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, (1), 6-13.
Theoretical and applied linguistics