Sorption processes in the "6-methyluracil-super-cross-linked polymer" system

  • Irina V. Shkutina Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • Natalia V. Mironenko Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation
  • Vladimir F. Selemenev Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Keywords: methyluracil, hypercrosslinked sorbent, anion exchanger, kinetic curve, sorption isotherm, IR spectroscopy


The study presents the results of investigation of the processes of sorption of 6-methyluracil (MU) by low basic anion exchanger A-100 and high basic anion exchanger A-500R, which have a macroporous structure. It was found that the maximum sorption was observed at pH 3.2-3.5; in the area when 6-methyluracil (6-methyl-2.4-dioxo-pyrimidine) was in the lactam form in the solution. The obtained sorption isotherms were analysed. It was noted that the formation of monomolecular layers of 6-methyluracil (MU) on A-100 and A-500R ion exchangers can be described by the Langmuir isotherm equation. With an increase in the MU concentration in the external solution, the sorption process was due to such interactions as the “sorbate-sorbate” association. Based on the literature data and IR spectroscopy data, it was shown that in macropores and on the surface of anion exchangers, polymolecular layers of methyluracil were formed. These layers were described by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) equation. It has been suggested that in this case the formation of supramolecular structures in the form of ions and molecules of 6-methyluracil occurred. Hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions made the greatest contribution to the absorption of MC by sorbents. Along with this, the manifestation of electrostatic forces is possible in the interaction between the sorbed ions of 6-methyluracil.

Possible prospects for the use of hypercrosslinked anion exchangers for the isolation and concentration of 6-methyluracil from food production solutions were considered. For this, the sorption of MU under kinetic conditions was studied taking into consideration the acidity of the solution. Based on the kinetic data obtained during the experiment, it was suggested that the sorption process is limited mainly by the internal diffusion stage. The diffusion coefficient of MU on A-100 was 1.12·10-9 cm2/s; for A-500R it was 2.45·10-9 cm2/s. The time to reach equilibrium on the considered sorbents was on average 60 minutes.


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Author Biographies

Irina V. Shkutina, Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

assistant professor of general and medical chemistry department named after prof. V.V. Khorunzhii, State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail:

Natalia V. Mironenko, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation

assistant of analytical chemistry department of chemical faculty, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation; e-mail:

Vladimir F. Selemenev, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation

DSci in chemistry, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation, e-mail:


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How to Cite
Shkutina, I. V., Mironenko, N. V., & Selemenev, V. F. (2023). Sorption processes in the "6-methyluracil-super-cross-linked polymer" system. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 23(3), 360-372.

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