Analysis of the crystalline quality of bulk In0.83Ga(Al)0.17 layers formed on metamorphic InAlAs/InP buffer layers with linear and nonlinearcomposition gradients

  • Elena I. Vasilkova Alferov University, 8/3 Khlopina st., Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation; St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, 5 Professora Popova ul., Saint Petersburg 197022, Russian Federation
  • Evgeny V. Pirogov Alferov University, 8/3 Khlopina st., Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation
  • Vladimir N. Nevedomskiy Ioffe Institute, 26 Politekhnicheskaya st., Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation
  • Oleg V. Barantsev Alferov University, 8/3 Khlopina st., Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation
  • Kirill O. Voropaev JSC “OKB-Planeta”, 13a, room 1n Bolshaya Moskovskaya st., Velikiy Novgorod 173004, Russian Federation
  • Аndrey А. Vasil’ev JSC “OKB-Planeta”, 13a, room 1n Bolshaya Moskovskaya st., Velikiy Novgorod 173004, Russian Federation
  • Leonid Ya. Karachinsky Alferov University, 8/3 Khlopina st., Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation; LLC “Connector Optics”, 16 litera B Domostroitelnaya ul., Saint Petersburg 194292, Russian Federation
  • Innokenty I. Novikov Alferov University, 8/3 Khlopina st., Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation; LLC “Connector Optics”, 16 litera B Domostroitelnaya ul., Saint Petersburg 194292, Russian Federation
  • Maxim S. Sobolev Alferov University, 8/3 Khlopina st., Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation; St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, 5 Professora Popova ul., Saint Petersburg 197022, Russian Federation; LLC “Connector Optics”, 16 litera B Domostroitelnaya ul., Saint Petersburg 194292, Russian Federation
Keywords: Metamorphic buffer layers, Reciprocal space mapping of X-ray diffraction intensity, Transmission electron microscopy, Molecular beam epitaxy


This paper investigates the effectiveness of metamorphic InAlAs buffer layers with linear and root-like dependence of the In mole fraction in the composition for the growth of bulk In0.83Ga(Al)0.17As layers on InP substrates. The analysis of the X-ray diffraction reciprocal space maps showed that in both cases In0.83Ga(Al)0.17As layers were partially strain-free. One of the mechanisms of strain relaxation during the growth of the linearly graded buffer layer is the rotation of the crystal lattice, while the mechanism of strain relaxation during the growth of the convex-graded buffer layer is a 0.82° tilt of the crystal lattice without any rotation. According to the images obtained by transmission electron microscopy, the density of threading dislocations in the upper InGaAs layers grown on the buffer layer with a linear composition gradient is ~ 5·108 cm–2


Author Biographies

Elena I. Vasilkova, Alferov University, 8/3 Khlopina st., Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation; St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, 5 Professora Popova ul., Saint Petersburg 197022, Russian Federation

postgraduate student, Engineer, Alferov University (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Evgeny V. Pirogov, Alferov University, 8/3 Khlopina st., Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation

Researcher, Alferov University (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Vladimir N. Nevedomskiy, Ioffe Institute, 26 Politekhnicheskaya st., Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation

Senior Researcher, Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Oleg V. Barantsev, Alferov University, 8/3 Khlopina st., Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation

student, Lab Assistant, Alferov University (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Kirill O. Voropaev, JSC “OKB-Planeta”, 13a, room 1n Bolshaya Moskovskaya st., Velikiy Novgorod 173004, Russian Federation

Head of the Group, JSC “OKB-Planeta” (Velikiy Novgorod, Russian Federation)

Аndrey А. Vasil’ev, JSC “OKB-Planeta”, 13a, room 1n Bolshaya Moskovskaya st., Velikiy Novgorod 173004, Russian Federation

Engineer-Technologist, JSC “OKBPlaneta” (Velikiy Novgorod, Russian Federation)

Leonid Ya. Karachinsky, Alferov University, 8/3 Khlopina st., Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation; LLC “Connector Optics”, 16 litera B Domostroitelnaya ul., Saint Petersburg 194292, Russian Federation

Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Chief Researcher, Alferov University and Leading Researcher, ITMO University (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Innokenty I. Novikov, Alferov University, 8/3 Khlopina st., Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation; LLC “Connector Optics”, 16 litera B Domostroitelnaya ul., Saint Petersburg 194292, Russian Federation

Cand. Sci. (Phys.–Math.), Senior Researcher, Alferov University and Senior Researcher, ITMO University (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Maxim S. Sobolev, Alferov University, 8/3 Khlopina st., Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation; St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, 5 Professora Popova ul., Saint Petersburg 197022, Russian Federation; LLC “Connector Optics”, 16 litera B Domostroitelnaya ul., Saint Petersburg 194292, Russian Federation

Cand. Sci. (Phys.–Math.), Head of the Laboratory, Alferov University (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)


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How to Cite
Vasilkova, E. I., Pirogov, E. V., Nevedomskiy, V. N., Barantsev, O. V., Voropaev, K. O., Vasil’evА. А., Karachinsky, L. Y., Novikov, I. I., & Sobolev, M. S. (2025). Analysis of the crystalline quality of bulk In0.83Ga(Al)0.17 layers formed on metamorphic InAlAs/InP buffer layers with linear and nonlinearcomposition gradients. Kondensirovannye Sredy I Mezhfaznye Granitsy = Condensed Matter and Interphases, 27(1), 86-95.
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