"Proceedings of Voronezh State University. Series: Geography. Geoecology" is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published with a frequency of 4 issues per year.
The journal publishes materials on problems of theory, methodology and methods of geographical science; covers original results of scientific research; reflects new practice-oriented approaches in training of higher school specialists; publishes materials on significant persons who have made a significant contribution to the field of environmental and geographical knowledge, as well as reviews of scientific monographs, atlases and textbooks in the field of geography.
The journal series provides for the possibility of thematic issues devoted to current issues of modern science.

The journal accepts for publication articles on specialties: 1.6.12 – Physical Geography and Biogeography, Soil Geography and Landscape Geochemistry (Geographical Sciences); 1.6.13 – Economic, Social, Political, and Recreational Geography (Geographical Sciences); 1.6.16 – Land Hydrology, Water Resources, Hydrochemistry (Geographical Sciences); 25.00.30 – Meteorology, Climatology, Agrometeorology (Geographical Sciences); 1.6.21 – Geoecology (Geographical Sciences).


Current Issue

No 4 (2023): October – December
Published: 2024-01-30

Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry

Economic, social, political and recreational geography

Land hydrology, water resources, hydrochemistry

Atmospheric and climate sciences


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