TEM and XPS studies of bio-nanohybrid material based on bacterial ferritin-like protein Dps
The work is related to the research of a biohybrid nanomaterial formed on the basis of protein molecules of bacterial origin recombinant ferritin Dps.
To obtain recombinant protein, Escherichia coli cells were used as producers, and purification was carried out chromatographically. The source of iron atoms for the formation of the biohybrid nanomaterial was the Mohr salt. The possibility of the hybrid particles formation, the shape and size of their inorganic core were studied experimentally by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The composition and specificity of hybrid particles inorganic core physico–chemical state were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, including the use of focused ion etching. It is shown that using the chosen method of nanomaterial formation, the internal cavities of protein molecules deposited inorganic nanoparticles. The sizes of these nanoparticles formed in hollow protein molecules averaged 2 nm. A complex composition of particles has been established, mainly including oxides of the iron-oxygen system. Inclusions of metallic iron are also possible.
The results obtained show the possibility of smooth properties control of the biohybrid nanomaterial through their composition. This makes it extremely attractive for the implementation of modern technologies tasks such as spintronics or targeted delivery of functional nanoparticles.
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