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In this study, we analyzed the result of the influence of the non-polar plane of a sapphire substrate on the structural, morphological, and optical properties and Raman scattering of the grown epitaxial GaN film.
It was found that selected technological conditions for the performed chloride-hydride epitaxy let us obtain the samples of structurally qualitative semi-polar wurtzite gallium nitride with (11¯22) orientation on m-sapphire. Using a set of structural and spectral methods of analysis the structural, morphological, and optical properties of the films were studied and the value of residual bi-axial stresses was determined. A complex of the obtained results means a high structural and optical quality of the epitaxial gallium nitride film.
Optimization of the applied technological technique in the future can be a promising approach for the growth of the qualitative GaN structures on m-sapphire substrates.
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