"Shadow of the wind" by K. R. Zafon through the mirror of markeme analysis

  • E. V. Dolbilova Voronezh State University
  • A. A. Kretov Voronezh State University
Keywords: marquem, marquem analysis, Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Spanish literature, magical realism


The method of the markeme text analysis proposed by A. A. Kretov is based on the fact that the content component of the text is represented by the author's attitude, which determines the choice and frequency of words in the text, being the result of two laws: objective – linguistic and subjective – authorial. Marks capture the most important themes in the author's work and provide information about his artistic world. This method of separating thematically neutral from thematically labelled vocabulary allows to take into account the informative value of each word against the background of all the words presented in the text of the novel. The aim of the research is a markemic analysis of the work of Spanish literature – the novel "The Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. According to the results of the marker analysis the dominant marker of the text is correspondencia 'correspondence, connection' and the vice-dominant marker is circunstancias 'circumstances'. The marker in third place is remordimientos 'remorse, torment'. Based on the results of the semantic analysis of the markems, it was found that C. R. Zafon's novel The Shadow of the Wind is characterized by the following semantic blocks: mental-perceptual markems; markems expressing fundamental concepts, social markems, qualitative markems, moral-ethical markems, emotional markems, and markems expressing interpersonal relations. A quantitative comparison of the data allows us to identify two main semantic blocks in the novel The Shadow of the Wind. These are the block of mental-perceptual markers – 40 %, and the block of markers expressing fundamental concepts – 32 %. It can be assumed that the central idea of the novel is correspondencia 'correspondence, connection', since in the novel many diverse characters and different time periods are linked by the same storyline. The author talks about magical, fateful and accidental connections between people and events. The protagonist in a given circumstance circunstancias 'circumstances', actually repeats in a mystical way the story of a writer Carax tormented by remordimientos 'remorse of conscience', there is an invisible connection between them.


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Author Biographies

E. V. Dolbilova, Voronezh State University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Romance Philology Department

A. A. Kretov, Voronezh State University

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Department


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How to Cite
Dolbilova, E. V., & Kretov, A. A. (2023). "Shadow of the wind" by K. R. Zafon through the mirror of markeme analysis. Proceedings of Voronezh State University. Series: Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, (3), 110-119. https://doi.org/10.17308/lic/1680-5755/2023/3/110-119
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